Top places in Armenia: A Recent Tourist’s Tale

Top places in Armenia: A Recent Tourist’s Tale

Hey there, fellow travel enthusiasts! Just returned from an incredible journey to Armenia, and I can’t wait to share the gems I stumbled upon. Armenia, with its 3,500 years of history and the distinction of being the first country to embrace Christianity as its national religion, is an absolute treat for explorers.

Let’s dive into the vibrant tapestry of Armenian destinations that left me awe-inspired:

Yerevan’s Architectural Marvels

Kicking off the adventure in the capital city, Yerevan, was nothing short of magical. Established in 782 BC, Yerevan is a blend of ancient history and modern vibes. Brimming with world-famous architecture, the city boasts a myriad of restaurants, cozy cafes, and beautiful parks. A must-visit includes Republic Square and the mesmerizing Yerevan Cascade.

Lake Sevan: The Pearl of Nature

Sevan Lake

A short 66 km drive from Yerevan led me to Lake Sevan, rightly called the Pearl of Armenian Nature. The serene beauty of the lake, spanning 1,900 sq km, is a treat for nature lovers. Exploring Sevanavank and Hayravank Monastery added a historical touch to the breathtaking scenery.

Garni’s Classic Charm

A pagan temple in Garni, Armenia

Venturing into Garni, a village in the Kotayk Province, unveiled classical temples and historic wonders. From the Garni Gorge to Geghard Temples, the village is a treasure trove for history enthusiasts. Don’t miss the ruined Khumarazham Church and the Havuts Tar Monastic Complex.

Karahunj: Stones of Mystery


A 200 km journey from Yerevan led me to Karahunj, a village shrouded in mystery. The 200 stones, each with 5 cm holes, left me perplexed about their origin and purpose. Exploring Khndzoresk Bridge and Medieval Goris Cave Dwellings added an extra layer of intrigue to the adventure.

Shikahogh State Reserve: Nature’s Hidden Gem

Shikahogh State Reserve Nature's Hidden Gem

For those seeking unexplored wonders, Shikahogh State Reserve is a must-visit. Dense forests, home to 1,100 plant species and various animals like wild goats and bears, make it a haven for nature enthusiasts. Exploring Mount Khustup added an adventurous touch to the journey.

Jermuk: Spa City Extravaganza


Jermuk, with its mild climate and healing mineral water, was a rejuvenating stop. Tasting the healing water in the Gallery of Water and marveling at the Jermuk Waterfall, the second-largest in Armenia, offered an exquisite experience in the lap of nature.

Dilijan National Park: Cultural Retreat


The Dilijan National Park, established in 2002, is a cultural haven. Goshavank Monastery, Haghartsin Monastery, and Lake Parz are just a few highlights that provide a glimpse into Armenia’s rich cultural heritage.

Mount Aragats: Nature’s Canvas

Mount Aragats

Mount Aragats, the highest peak in Armenia, was a spectacle for nature lovers. The rock arts dating back a century, coupled with the snow-covered peaks, offered an unforgettable experience. Climbing enthusiasts can choose between the southernmost and northern peaks.

Tatev Monastery: Medieval Marvel

Tatev Monastery in Armenia
Tatev Monastery in Armenia

A journey of 253 km from Yerevan brought me to Tatev, where the 9th-century Tatev Monastery stands in all its medieval glory. Accessible by the world’s longest cable car, the site offers stunning views and a profound sense of history.

Armenia, with its rich history, diverse landscapes, and warm hospitality, has etched a lasting impression on this American traveler. If you’re planning your next adventure, Armenia should undoubtedly be on your list!

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